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Become a Dance Hope Cure Ambassador

The Dance Hope Cure (DHC) Ambassador Program is open to all youth dancers who are interested in being a voice for children diagnosed with cancer. Ambassadors help raise awareness of childhood cancer and show support for families impacted by cancer. Ambassadors also have the option of raising funds for research and family support.

While there are no minimum requirements, ambassadors are encouraged to actively follow Dance Hope Cure on social media and share occasional posts and stories. We also have various remote and in-person volunteer opportunities. These range from writing stories about childhood cancer fighters to organizing fun and unique fundraisers and awareness events.

To become an ambassador, please complete the application below. Please include a high-quality dance or non-dance photo along with a summary of why you want to be a voice for children fighting cancer. Once approved, the information you provided will be posted on our ambassadors Instagram page. If you have Instagram, we will tag you.

If you are currently an ambassador and originally applied prior to January 1, 2020, please fill out the application again and you will be added to the new Dance Hope Cure Ambassador Instagram page.

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Dance Hope Cure ambassadors and spokeswomen Ava and Emma Blaser.
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